BBC Natural World & Windfall Film
Director of Photography
"It’s beautifully shot, full of sweeping landscapes and intimate close-ups of nectar-drinking bats, and some sequences are technically and technologically astounding." The New Yorker.
I thought this was a wonderful film produced by Windfall Films and I am very proud to be part of the team that worked on it. Directors, Tom Mustill, Peter Fison and I travelled to Mexico on two occasions to film with Rodrigo Medellin, the bat man of Mexico, as he attempted to bring the lesser long nosed bat back from the brink of extinction and have them removed off the endangered species list. In the Sonoran desert, we filmed for the first time, a bat birth in the lesser long nosed bat secretive breeding cave. We travelled all over Mexico following the pollinating trail of the tequila bats, from Agave fields, filming bats feeding on towering agave flowers, to deep caves, where we often found ourselves waist deep in guano. It was incredible to learn about the different bat species, as we explored Mexico, from the carnivorous spectral bat, to cave dwelling vampire bats, and the insectivorous bats that explode in the millions out of the caverns of Calakmul. We were very fortunate to be able to work with Rodrigo's team of scientists throughout the project, who assisted us with bat capturing and filming and their efforts were integral to the success of the film.
Projects | The Batman of Mexico